Aethelflaed of Damerham Family Tree & Biography (c920-c975)


Aethelflaed of Damerham was a member of the House of Wessex through marriage. She was the second wife of King Edmund I.


Aethelflaed of Damerham Family Tree Image showing:

father, sibling and husband

Aethelflaed of Damerham Family Tree


Aethelflaed of Damerham Family Tree in Table Form showing:

grandparents, parents, siblings, husband, step-children and step-grandchildren



Not known


Father – Earldorman Aelfgar of Essex – (d. c950)

Mother – Not  known


Unnamed brother

Aelfflaed – (d. c 1002)


King Edmund I – (921-946)


by Aelfgifu of Shaftesbury

King Eadwig – (941 – 959)

King Edgar – (943 – 975)


by Edgar and Aethelflaed the Fair

King Edward (the Martyr) – (962 – c978)

by Edgar and Aelfthryth of Devon

King Aethelred (the Unready) – (966 – 1016)


Aethelflaed of Damerham Short Biography

Aethelflaed of Damerham Family Tree

Aethelflaed was born around 920, the daughter of Ealdorman Aelfgar of Essex. She is known to have had a brother, whose name is not known, and a sister Aelfflaed who married a man named Byrhtnoth.

In 944 Aethelflaed became the second wife of King Edmund I. They were only married for two years before he was murdered in Pucklechurch by a man called Leofa.

Edmund’s brother Eadred succeeded as King of England because Edmund’s sons by his first wife were too young to rule. he may have married a man named Aethelstan but this is disputed by historians.  Aethelflaed is believed to have died around 975.


Published Jul 20, 2024 @ 12:09 pm – Updated – Jun 26, 2024 @ 9:58 am

Harvard Reference for Aethelflaed of Damerham Family Tree:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2024). Aethelflaed of Damerham c920 – c975. Available: Last accessed June 29th, 2024